Renee understands the issues that affect the LCRV, and she has the experience to address them. Having spent two decades as an analyst at Connecticut General Assembly Program Review and Investigations Committee, Renee has seen what works in government and what doesn’t, and she knows how to help create meaningful, cost effective legislative solutions.
Following her twenty years working for the General Assembly, Renee spent seven years as a homicide detective for the Hartford Police Department. In retirement, she continues to work as a consultant at the Institute of Municipal and Regional Policy at UCONN. She has deep expertise in the areas of law enforcement and criminal justice.
As your Representative, Renee will strongly defend a woman’s right to choose and support initiatives that recognize and promote women’s equality across the board. She believes strongly that government can be a force for good and understands the need to restore public confidence and trust in government and our elected officials. She says, “I believe wholeheartedly that good governance can make a positive difference in the lives of citizens and can mobilize state and local systems to do better.”
As an avid lover of the outdoors and a long time resident of Deep River, Renee values our environment. She will work hard to ensure that the State of Connecticut takes measures to care for our rivers and coastlines, to slow our contributions to climate change and also to ensure recreational access to and use of the amazing open spaces and waterways that run through District 36.
Deep River and the Lower Connecticut River Valley are home for Renee, living with her husband on the farm they built together thirty years ago. “I cherish this place and the people in it and I look forward to serving as your representative in Hartford. I’m asking for your vote on November 5 because I am ready to lead.